Work experience
- 2024.08 – present: Associate researcher
- School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
- 2022.09 – 2024.07: Research fellow
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Advisor: Prof. Nicolas Privault
- 2020.10 – 2022.09: Postdoctoral researcher
- University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Advisor: Prof. Jean-Claude Zambrini
- 2014.09 – 2019.12: Ph.D. in Statistics
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
- Supervisor: Prof. Jinqiao Duan
- Thesis: Periodic homogenization of Feller processes with jumps. (In Chinese)
- 2017.09 – 2019.02: CSC visiting student
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Advisor: Prof. Renming Song
- 2010.09 – 2014.06: B.S. in Mathematics
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
- Thesis advisor: Prof. Yanbin Tang
- Thesis: Asymptotic behavior of solutions to dissipative quasi-geostrophic equations. (In Chinese)
- 2023.06 – present: Invited reviewer for Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society.
Talks and minisymposiums/sessions
- 2024.11.01 – 8
- New Advances in Contact and Symplectic Hamiltonian Dynamics, Great Bay University, China.
- Talk: A thermodynamical introduction to stochastic geometric mechanics.
- 2024.09.20 – 23
- Workshop on Dynamics of SPDEs, Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Central China, Wuhan University, China.
- Talk: Coded branching diffusion representation for nonlinear heat equations.
- 2024.05.12 – 18
- New Trends in Dynamical Systems: from analysis to structures, Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center, Kunming, China.
- Talk: Onsager–Machlup functional and Schrödinger’s problem revisited, in connection with stochastic geometric mechanics.
- 2023.09.20
- KU Probability and Statistics Seminar (Fall 2023), University of Kansas, USA.
- Talk (online): Stochastic geometric mechanics with applications to nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
- 2023.08.20 – 25
- 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023), Waseda University, Japan.
- Co-organizer of the minisymposium: Recent Advances on Stochastic Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems.
- Talk (online): Schrödinger meets Onsager.
- 2023.07.24 – 28
- 43rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA2023), University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Organizer of the contributed session: Stochastic geometric mechanics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
- Talk: Schrödinger meets Onsager.
- 2022.06.21 – 25
- The 7th International Conference on Random Dynamical Systems (RDS2022), Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Talk (online): A theory of stochastic geometric mechanics.
- 2022.06.21 – 24
- Optimal transport, geometric and stochastic hydrodynamics (SchröMoka 2022), University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Talk: Stochastic geometric mechanics & stochastic integrability.
- 2022.05.30 – 06.03
- Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), Barcelona.
- Poster: A Theory of Stochastic Geometric Mechanics.
- 2022.02.07
- Mathematical Physics Seminar Series, University of Sussex, UK.
- Talk (online): A theory of stochastic geometric mechanics.
- 2021.09.14 – 17
- Schrödinger’s Problem and Optimal Transport (SchröMoka 2021), University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Talk: From Second-order Differential Geometry to a Stochastic Version of Mechanics.
- 2021.07.12 – 16
- Encontro Nacional Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática 2021 (ENSPM2021), Lisbon, Portugal.
- Talk (online): Stochastic Cucker–Smale (CS) model: Collision-avoidance and flocking.
- 2020.12.10
- Lisbon Webinar in Analysis and Differential Equations (WADE), University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Talk (online): Stochastic Cucker-Smale model: collision-avoidance and flocking.
- 2019.05.18 – 23
- 2019 SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems and SIAM Workshop on Network Science (SIAMDS19), Utah, USA.
- Talk: Homogenization of Periodic Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations.